Python interface to Oracle? - yes.

Shae Erisson shapr at
Thu Jun 22 10:58:38 EDT 2000

Andreas Rottmann wrote:
> David YEUNG <dyeung at> writes:
> > Does anyone know if any python module has been developed for
> > interfacing with Oracle8i database on Linux?
> >
> That would be interesting for me, too. I'm likely to develop one, if
> it doesn't exist, since I have the infrastructure ready - see
Digital Creations appears to be the main source of experts on Python and
Oracle interaction.

The changelog for DCOracle mentions Oracle 8 specifically in several
places, therefore I would assume they have support for it.

It supports Python 1.4 or higher, and Oracle 7.3 and higher.
sHae mAtijs eRisson (sHae at wEbwitchEs.coM) gEnius fOr hIre

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