need insight...

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at
Sat Jun 24 18:54:50 EDT 2000

Stephen Hansen <stephen at> wrote:
>    The problem is that you really do not want to change the sequence you're
>using in 'for' -- the documentation, if memory serves, shows an example of
>precisely why. You'll want to make a copy of it to iterate through.. like;
>for item in cwd[:]:
>    ...
>    cwd.remove(item)
>Like that..see? The [:] slice copies the whole sequence.
    Actually I don't think code even needs to make a copy or have the
cwd.remove(item) call since it deletes cwd right after the for loop.
That should save a little space and speed up the code a bit.


Suchandra S. Thapa 
s-thapa at


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