float literal too large

Warren B. Focke moron at Glue.umd.edu
Tue Jun 27 14:52:27 EDT 2000

Victor S. Miller said:

> float() literal too large.
> The literal in question was '0.23489798479873E-2325' (this was
> generated on a Cray computer).  I couldn't find anything in the
> documentation about this restriction.

Python floats are stored in platform doubles.  On IEEE-754 compliant
hardware (pretty much anything other than a Cray (or VAX, but I don't
think they make those anymore (unless alphas have a VAX math mode)))
that means you get a 53-bit mantissa multiplied by a factor ranging
from 2**-1022 to 2**1023 (or down to 2**-1072 with precision loss).
In decimal that's 14 to 17 digits of mantissa (depending on how you
define precision) and an exponent range of -307 to +307 (or maybe 308,
for some values of the mantissa), and down to -322 with precision

It is kind of odd that it said it was too big.  One might even go so
far as to call it a bug.

as far as workarounds, what's wrong with

	a[i, j] = eval(s)


Warren Focke

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