Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Kenneth Loafman kenneth at
Sat Jun 10 11:04:06 EDT 2000

I wonder if anyone has come up with this as an answer:

I like lower/mixed case because it reminds me of the advances we have
made in computing over the years.  When I first started computing it was
all uppercase.  FORTRAN and COBOL were shouted at the computer to make
it work.  Now we have mixed case and mixed languages.  All advances.  To
go back to all one case is a retreat to the past and I want to move

Besides, I sometimes work with fellow Neanderthals that would write in
all upper case if they could.  Having that possibility in a language
would make the language more attractive for their use, and much harder
for me to read.


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