Waffling between Python and Ruby

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at python.org
Thu Jun 15 00:28:05 EDT 2000

>>>>> "HZ" == Huaiyu Zhu <hzhu at knowledgetrack.com> writes:

    HZ> If you use emacs:

    HZ> C-x h M-x tabify

    HZ> will tabify the whole buffer.  I always do this when doing
    HZ> copy and paste from news groups, and do an untabify the other
    HZ> way round.  This is because the default tab space is 4 in
    HZ> emacs (which is sane) but 8 everywhere else.

Actually, by default tab-width is 8 in Emacs, as RMS/GOD intended. :)

The answer is basically never to use tab characters in Python source
files.  Use 4 spaces per indentation level.  Two levels == 8 spaces,
not 1 tab character.  python-mode essentially sets all this up for


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