Nth digit of PI

Clive Tooth clive at pisquaredoversix.force9.co.uk
Fri Jun 9 06:38:10 EDT 2000

Robert Israel wrote in message <8houlu$j9s$1 at nntp.itservices.ubc.ca>...

>There are two different algorithms here, for two different problems.
>The BBP algorithm can find a hexadecimal (or more generally, base
>2^k) digit of pi, faster than any known algorithm that would find
>all the digits up to this one.  This is the exciting one.

Although BBP do mention that "This algorithm is, by a factor of
log(log(log(n))), asymptotically slower than the fastest known algorithms
for generating the n-th digit by generating all of the first n digits of
log(2) or pi."

>Plouffe has another algorithm that can find a digit in an arbitrary
>base.  This takes C*n^3*log(n)^3 time for the n'th digit, so it is not
>faster than other methods that would compute the first n digits, but it
>does take very little memory.  This one has "a more theoretical rather
>than practical interest".
>Whether there is an algorithm for the n'th decimal digit that performs
>as well as BBP is still an open question.

An O(n^2) algorithm is described at

Clive Tooth
End of document

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