Frozen socket.

C. Porter Bassett porter at
Fri Jun 16 17:22:34 EDT 2000

I am very new at this sort of this, so I am hoping that there is a simple
and obvious (if you know it) solution to my problem.  I looked in the FAQ
and tutorials, but to no avail.

I have written a simple python program on linux that uses sockets.  My
program connects to an existing server.  There is some data exchanged for
handshaking purposes, and then I am supposed to start sending a long list
(not a python list) of strings to the server.  I don't get any responses
from the server - I keep sending out these strings until I am done, at
which time I disconnect the socket.

At least, that's what is supposed to happen.  Somewhere between string #
1000 and 1020 (it varies somewhat), my program freezes. It does this
whether I send the strings out as fast as I can, or if I space send out
the strings to one per second.  
I do a ctrl-C to escape, and the last line of the exception printout is:
This seems to me that the program is getting stuck in the
sock.send() funciton. 

I have looked around, but I haven't been able to figure out why a program
would choke on a send() command.  I don't even know if it is because of
something I am doing on my end or something happening on the server
end.  If it is my fault, how do I fix it?  If it is because of something
happening on the server side, how do I compensate?

Thank you for your help.  

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