freeze, standalone?

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Fri Jun 16 14:32:29 EDT 2000

[posted and mailed]

Juerg Schulthess wrote:

>I'm trying to use the 'freeze' and 'standalone' utilty to build
>standalone executables under Win32. 

I know what you're talking about, but you might want to include a bit more 
context when asking for help with stuff randomly snarfed from the 'net.

>The executables produced with
>'standalone' work fine. Now I'd like to burn the executable on CD. This
>adds a 'readonly' attribute to the executable and this seems to change
>the behaviour of the exe completely - it exits immediately and does
>nothing and exits without any output. no errors, nothing! This efect can
>be easily simulated by adding the 'readonly' attribute in the file
>properties. Has anyone succeeded in writing standalone executables
>produced from Python code to CDs that still work from the CD???
>Any help is appreciated! (and will produce something that runs from a CD. 
Standalone won't. I have a barely tested fix to the C code that does make 
it work, but no time right now.

- Gordon

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