Suggestion: "Completing" HTTP support in Python.

Edward Jason Riedy ejr at lotus.CS.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Jun 15 19:54:28 EDT 2000

And Oleg Broytmann writes:
 - GET:  filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve("" % urllib.urlencode({"param": value}))
 - POST: filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve("", urllib.urlencode({"param": value}))

You only answered half of his request.  The other half is _not_
supported by urllib: adding HTTP headers.

I believe he's looking for a libwww-perl equivalent in Python.  
I am, too.  LWP is one major reason I still write Perl code on 
a daily basis.  The design is very nice.  You have an LWP::UserAgent 
instance to which you can attach a cookie jar, specialize, etc.  
You form HTTP::Request instances, modify the HTTP parameters, 
and pass them to the UserAgent.  You get back an HTTP::Response, 
which has all sorts of handy methods (is_error, is_success, etc.).  
You can also have the response sent to a callback as it arrives.

It's a very user-friendly design.  The same set of packages 
provides both urllib-like simplicity and advanced features.  
Unfortunately, LWP only supports HTTP/1.0, so it can't harness 
the power of pipelining and chunks.  The LWPng that was supposed 
to replace it seems to be on permanent hold.  It'd be a nice 
thing to see in Python...  See for more.

Oh, and LWP code is somewhat more legible than the examples you've
provided, imho, but also can be more verbose.  The easy version:

  use LWP::Simple; use URI::Escape;
  $doc = get "" .

More complicated:

  use LWP::UserAgent; use URI;

  $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
  $url = URI->new("http:://");
  $url->query_form("param" => $value);

  $req = new HTTP::Request 'GET' => $url;
  $req->header('Accept' => 'text/html');
  $res = $ua->request($req);

  if ($res->is_success) {
  # ...

Perl borrowed from Python's OO model, so borrowing from a few 
Perl modules is fair...  ;)


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