Which linux distros have Python by default?

Grant Edwards ge at nowhere.none
Wed Jun 14 13:02:53 EDT 2000

In article <8i86sf$e7c$0 at>, Dana Booth wrote:

>GE: I've got a Tkinter-based GUI interface used to do
>GE: administrative stuff for a device driver under Linux.  I know
>GE: RedHat installs Python and Tkinter by default.  Is there a
>GE: handy list somewhere of which Linux distributions can be
>GE: expected to have Tkinter installed?
>It's best to choose not to put on Python at install time, and then just
>retrieve the latest version from the Internet. Uncomment the lines in the
>Modules/Setup file before you build it pertaining to Tkinter, then you're
>assured of having the latest version.

I've got Python and Tkinter installed, that's not the problem.

I'm going to distribute a utility written in Python/Tkinter as
a configuration/administration utility that goes with a Linux
device driver.  I was just wondering how many customers are
likely to have Python/Tkinter available.  I doubt that anybody
is going to install Python just to run this program.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  ALFRED JARRY! Say
                                  at               something about th' DEATH
                               visi.com            of DISCO!!

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