Waffling between Python and Ruby

Aahz Maruch aahz at netcom.com
Wed Jun 14 21:58:57 EDT 2000

In article <394833BD.6A322985 at san.rr.com>,
Courageous  <jkraska1 at san.rr.com> wrote:
>In vi/vim, you can globally replace all tabs with:
><esc>:1,$s/<tab>/    /g

And if you want to save a couple of characters:

^[:%s/\t/    /g
                      --- Aahz (Copyright 2000 by aahz at netcom.com)

Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het    <*>     http://www.rahul.net/aahz/
Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6

"real love can't be explained by simplistic platitudes."  --piranha

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