How to control Pmw.ScrolledText scrollbar position?

Maytag Repairman maytagrepairman at
Wed Jun 21 18:06:46 EDT 2000

I have this program that I've written which uses Pmw.ScrolledText.
There are buttons on my GUI which take data from entry fields and
insert, replace, and append data in a data structure.  The ScrolledText
is cleared and the updated data structure is displayed in a user-
friendly format.  Unfortunately, the scrollbar always ends up at the
top after this operation but the area of most interest to the user is
the point where the operation on the data structure took place.  I
can't figure out how to control the position of the scrollbar to move
it to the area of interest.

Yes, I do realize that I am doing this rather inefficiently by re-
creating the full text each time but it works well enough for now.

Rob Cupples

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