SV: Python Productivity over C++

Eric Lee Green eric at
Wed Jun 14 13:42:05 EDT 2000

Michal Vitecek wrote:
>  this is highly debatable - properly written C/C++ source is pretty well
>  readable and self-documenting. similarly, badly written python source
>  makes it as unreadable as in other languages - there's not a point in
>  trying to prevent people from writing (un)readable source code.

It's harder to write unreadable Python source because you can't write code
like, hmm,

opendir(FOO,\"%s\");@files=readdir(FOO);foreach (@files) { if
(/^[^\\.].*\\.txt$/) { print \"%s/$_\\n\";};};closedir(FOO);

since Python enforces proper indentation and limits you to one statement to

Yes, you can write unreadable Python code. But you have to work at it.

Eric Lee Green                         eric at
Software Engineer                      Visit our Web page:
Enhanced Software Technologies, Inc.
(602) 470-1115 voice                   (602) 470-1116 fax

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