Newbie questions

Trent Mick trentm at
Tue Jun 13 00:33:56 EDT 2000

On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 09:10:35PM -0700, jim roush wrote:
> I'm just learning Python.  The following code does not work.  It's
> supposed to calculate the circumference after the user enters the
> radius.  The program displays the prompt, but when I enter the radius
> and the press enter, nothing happens.
> FYI, I'm using Python 1.5.2 on WinNT.
> pi = 3.141592654
> radius = input("Enter is the radius: ")
> circ = 2 * pi * radius
> print circ

It works for me. Sorry I am no help here.

>>> import math
>>> math.pi


Trent Mick
trentm at

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