Binary Informix Module for *nix???

Ed Taekema Ed_Taekema at
Thu Jun 22 23:27:52 EDT 2000

I am looking for a way to get a prebuilt python module that will
connect to a run time informix server (Informix Dynamic Server 2000
Version 9.20.UC1 and Informix 7 I believe) and need this for various
flavours of Unix & NT (solaris, linux, win32 etc).  All I've seen are
various packages which seem to require a full installation of informix
to build (ie esql etc) which I don't have.  There also appears to be a
prebuilt binary package for NT but no Unix.  Is anyone aware of any
solutions short of spending the $$ on a full informix licence?

Thanks for your help,

Ed Taekema
Taekema at

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