threading with time limit

Robert Cragie rcc at
Fri Jun 9 06:18:51 EDT 2000

Try using select() in the thread which is doing the read - see inline
comment below.

Marc Tardif <intmktg at Gloria.CAM.ORG> wrote in message
news:Pine.LNX.4.10.10006051515580.30679-100000 at Gloria.CAM.ORG...
| How can x threads be started at once and stopped y seconds later,
| processing only the successfully returned threads?
| For example, consider a situation where all the links from multiple URL's
| must be retrieved at the same time. By setting a time limit, slow sites
| don't slow down the whole process and appropriate error messages are
| returned stating which sites wheren't completed in y seconds.
| My current implementation (below), defines a list of links to parse and
| creates a thread for each link. If the threads don't finish within 2
| seconds, processing starts even the URL isn't retrieved.
| Problems are:
| - no error messages are returned for active threads killed after 2 seconds
| - processing occurs on every thread, even if they were killed
| - should the time limit occur in main() or in
| - the time limit is applied to URL retrieval AND processing, whereas it
| should probably apply to the former only
| Any suggestions to solve any of the above problems would be much
| appreciated.
| --- ---
| #!/usr/local/bin/python
| links = ['', '']
| import time
| import string
| import threading
| import urllib
| import urlparse
| import sgmllib
| def main():
|     threadlist = []
|     for link in links:
|         thread = Page(link)
|         threadlist.append(thread)
|     for thread in threadlist:
|         thread.start()
|     for i in range(5):
|         if threading.activeCount() == 1:
|             break;
|         time.sleep(0.5)
|     linklist = []
|     for thread in threadlist:
|         tlinks = thread.getlinks()
|         for tlink in tlinks:
|             linklist.append(tlink)
|     print linklist
| class Page(threading.Thread):
|     def __init__(self, url):
|         self.url = url
|         self.links = []
|         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
|     def run(self):
|         text = self.readhtml()
|         if text:
|             self.links = self.readlinks(text)
|     def readhtml(self):
|         text = None
|         f = urllib.urlopen(self.url)
|         if f:
|             text =
|             f.close()
|         return text

You could try using select() here instead of read(). select() allows you to
do a blocking operation with a timeout. If it times out, the thread can then
die naturally. See python docs. for details

|     def readlinks(self, text):
|         parser = MyHTMLParser()
|         parser.feed(text)
|         parser.close()
|         rawlinks = parser.getlinks()
|         base = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, parser.getbase() or "")
|         links = []
|         for rawlink in rawlinks:
|             t = urlparse.urlparse(rawlink)
|             t = t[:-1] + ('',)
|             rawlink = urlparse.urlunparse(t)
|             link = urlparse.urljoin(base, rawlink)
|             links.append(link)
|         return links
|     def getlinks(self):
|         return self.links
| class MyHTMLParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
|     def __init__(self):
|         self.base = None
|         self.links = {}
|         sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self)
|     def start_a(self, attributes):
|         self.link_attr(attributes, 'href')
|     def end_a(self): pass
|     def do_area(self, attributes):
|         self.link_attr(attributes, 'href')
|     def do_img(self, attributes):
|         self.link_attr(attributes, 'src', 'lowsrc')
|     def do_frame(self, attributes):
|         self.link_attr(attributes, 'src')
|     def link_attr(self, attributes, *args):
|         for name, value in attributes:
|             if name in args:
|                 if value: value = string.strip(value)
|                 if value: self.links[value] = None
|     def do_base(self, attributes):
|         for name, value in attributes:
|             if name == 'href':
|                 if value: value = string.strip(value)
|                 if value: self.base = value
|     def getlinks(self):
|         return self.links.keys()
|     def getbase(self):
|         return self.base
| if __name__ == '__main__':
|     main()

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