strings and integers?

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan at
Mon Jun 26 18:32:35 EDT 2000

Hi All--

"Arinté" wrote:
> On another note, I just tested this
> xrt = 8
> print'ioctl %d <---' %xrt
> and instead of sending it to print, I stored it in a variable and sent it
> back to the C++ application and the string came out fine????  But, as I said
> earlier print somewhere around print I get the len() of unsized object
> error??? Any ideas.

Works fine for me.  Paste the file that causes the error into an email
message, along with the exact error text, and send the email message to
this list/newsgroup.

A matter of style:  don't write

	print'ioctl blah blah

but instead

	print 'ioctl blah blah

Either way works fine, but the second is a teeny bit more readable.

<why-else-would-you-use-python?>-ly y'rs,
Ivan Van Laningham
Axent Technologies, Inc.
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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