SV: Python Productivity over C++

Garry Hodgson garry at
Wed Jun 14 11:37:41 EDT 2000

Michael Hudson wrote:
> m.faassen at (Martijn Faassen) writes:
> >   * Pythoneers care less about inheritance hierarchies. When a class
> >     supports an interface it supports an interface; inheritance often
> >     isn't needed.
> To expand on this: it seems to me that the only reason to inherit in
> Python is to inherit implementation; there's just no point in
> inheriting to inherit an interface (subtyping).

except for clarity of expression.
saying "this Circle thing is a Shape"
is more useful to me than having to read its methods
to find that it behaves just like a Shape.
the computer doesn't care about this, but i do.

Garry Hodgson                   Every night 
garry at                a child is born
Software Innovation Services        is a Holy Night.
AT&T Labs                         - Sophia Lyon Fahs

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