Why won't exec accept this?

Gene gchiaramonte at mail.com
Wed Jun 28 15:46:57 EDT 2000

I am trying to store scripts in a dictionary, then exec the scripts as
necessary. I have stored the following text in a dictionary:

# test ...
def FooBar(x):
    return x + x

# here is the dictionary...
{'script': '# test ...\015\012def FooBar(x):\015\012    return x + x',
'version': 1.0, 'type': 'script'}

# and here is what happens...
>>> print d['script']
# test ...
def FooBar(x):
    return x + x
>>> exec d['script']
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "<string>", line 2
    def FooBar(x):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

If anyone can tell what is wrong, I would appreciate any help you could give



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