OO Approach to file parsing with Python?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at gssec.bt.co.uk
Thu Jun 29 09:31:15 EDT 2000

Jon McLin wrote:
> Our company has decided to try an initial deployment of Python in a file-parsing
> role.  We need to translate some customer-provided structured ASCII files into
> our standard schema for use by legacy applications.    A procedural
> implementation is obvious, but completely non-reusable, and I'd like to be able
> to leverage this in the future.  (different inputs, the same outputs.)  Can
> someone point me to examples of OO approaches to this type of problem,
> preferrably implemented in Python?

I assume you've checked out the parser objects in the 
standard library? I've never used them coz the simple 
stuff I've done has been easy using regex's...

Alan G.

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