Porting CPython

David Porter jcm at bigskytel.com
Fri Jun 9 23:12:12 EDT 2000

* perl_monkey at my-deja.com <perl_monkey at my-deja.com>:

> I am currently porting CPython to IBM's OS/390 Unix System Services.  I
> wanted to point out a few issues that I've had regarding this port, and
> ask for some advice from anybody currently involved in ports or anyone
> who has ported python in the past.  OS/390 is a mainframe platform, and
> Unix System Services is a fully functioning (albeit intensely weird)
> UNIX running on top of the mainframe OS in an LPAR.

If you haven't already, see this url:


It is intended for python 1.4.


To whom i and fate and you.  To feel, poor worlds must merely do, which
then are done. -- e.e.cummings in a blender

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