Test results of linuxaudiodev.c

Michael Hudson mwh21 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Jun 30 16:50:37 EDT 2000

To python-dev: Sorry for the hiatus.

To python-list: does someone who knows about audio and can run linux
want to play with this (Ping and I fall into just one of these
categories each!).

Ka-Ping Yee <pingster at ilm.com> writes:

> On 30 Jun 2000, Michael Hudson wrote:
> > Yup, that works fine.  Don't understand the details - and as I have my
> > graduation ceremony tomorrow I'm going to go to bed and leave learning
> > them until some other occasion!
> Cool.
> Okay, i just discovered sunau.py.  Here's my real shot at
> test_linuxaudiodev.py.  Can you give this a try?
> ---- test_linuxaudiodev.py ----
> from test_support import verbose, findfile, TestFailed
> import linuxaudiodev
> import os, sunau
> formats = {("ULAW", 1): linuxaudiodev.AFMT_MU_LAW,
>            ("NONE", 1): linuxaudiodev.AFMT_S8,
>            ("NONE", 2): linuxaudiodev.AFMT_S16_BE}
> def play_au_file(path):
>     au = sunau.open(path, "r")
>     data = au.readframes(sunau.AUDIO_UNKNOWN_SIZE)
>     au.close()
>     spec = (au.getcomptype(), au.getsampwidth())
>     if not has_key(formats, spec):

>         raise "audio format not supported by linuxaudiodev"

Maybe you mean:

        raise TestFailed, "audio format not supported by linuxaudiodev"

?  I thought string exceptions were deprecated...
>     dsp = linuxaudiodev.open("w")
>     dsp.setparameters(au.getframerate(), au.getsampwidth() * 8,
>                       au.getnchannels(), formats[spec])
>     dsp.write(data)
>     dsp.close()
> def test():
>     play_au_file(findfile('audiotest.au'))
> test()

This doesn't work.  I don't really understand why.

For audiotest.au, |spec| is ("ULAW",2), which I don't think is right;
file(1) says 

audiotest.au: Sun/NeXT audio data: 8-bit ISDN u-law, mono, 8000 Hz

So I think this could be a bug in sunau.

The other data (au.getframerate(), au.getnchannels()) agrees with

Anybody have a better idea?

Michael Hudson, BA (as of today! woohoo!)

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