PythonCOM / Word97 error/feature

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Wed Mar 8 17:08:37 EST 2000

It may actually be Pythonwin getting too smart with the error lines.
If you double-click on a COM traceback that nominates a help file, it
is opened.  However, I think there has been a bug since the
introduction of Scintilla.  Try deleting the exception line  in the
interactive window!!!  Or try the same thing from python.exe instead
of pythonwin.


"Nikolai Kirsebom" <nikolai.kirsebom at> wrote in message
news:38c66a09.6616954 at
> Have a strange observation - could anyone explain what is going on
> (where).
> Start PythonWin and using COM start Word97.  Write some text in Word
> and executes the command:
> doc.Content()
> in the interactive window in PythonWin.  Content is presented ok.
> Then, open the Spelling and Grammar (F7) dialog box in Word.  While
> this dialog box is shown, reenter the same command in PythonWin.
> Get the following com-error:
> com_error: (-2146823683, 'OLE error 0x800a11fd', (0, 'Microsoft
> 'This method or property is not available because the proofing
> box is active.', 'wdmain8.hlp', 37373, -2146823683), None)
> which is ok.  However if I now close the dialog (spelling) and
> reexecute the command, the helpfile for VBA (wdmian8.hlp) is
opened -
> actually any command to the server results in the VBA helpfile being
> presented.  Also - it seems that the interactive window 'hangs' on
> opening (and ultimately closing) of the help window.
> This behaviour seems to be particular for the 'spelling dialog'.
> Doing the same operation with 'insert file' dialog will result in
> another com-error, but the system will operate as expected after
> closing down the 'insert file' dialog.
> Nikolai

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