id() trickery

Jeff Pinyan jeffp at
Sat Mar 18 14:51:37 EST 2000

Well, I've broken my brain again.  Could someone explain this to me?

>>> a = id(1)
>>> a, id(1)
(732968, 732968)
>>> b = id(1)
>>> b, id(1)
(732968, 732968)
>>> a,b,id(a),id(b)
(732968, 732968, 732236, 732212)
>>> a = b + 0
>>> a,b,id(a),id(b)
(732968, 732968, 732188, 732212)
>>> a = b
>>> a,b,id(a),id(b)
(732968, 732968, 732212, 732212)
>>> a = b + 0
>>> a,b,id(a),id(b)
(732968, 732968, 732188, 732212)

Could someone tell me why the value returned by id(), which is just an
int, says type(), is acting a little fruity for me?  If a and b hold the
same integer, shouldn't they have the same value for id()?  And why do

>>> a = b # and
>>> a = b + 0

have two different effects?

MIDN 4/C PINYAN, NROTCURPI, US Naval Reserve             japhy at        
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