TKinter Event Name??

Fredrik Lundh effbot at
Wed Mar 15 10:42:13 EST 2000

Matthias Barmeier wrote:
> does anybody know how to retrieve the event name
> in an event callback ?

event.type contains a numeric code (passed to the
callback as a string).  the attached dictionary maps
back from int(event.type) to the event name.

however, it's probably better to use one binding per
event type you need to handle, with distinct callbacks
and/or lambdas:

    widget.bind("<Any-Button>", lambda e, cb=callback: cb(e, "button"))
    widget.bind("<Any-Key>", lambda e, cb=callback: cb(e, "key"))


event_map = {
    2: "KeyPress",
    3: "KeyRelease",
    4: "ButtonPress",
    5: "ButtonRelease",
    6: "MotionNotify",
    7: "EnterNotify",
    8: "LeaveNotify",
    9: "FocusIn",
    10: "FocusOut",
    11: "KeymapNotify",
    12: "Expose",
    13: "GraphicsExpose",
    14: "NoExpose",
    15: "VisibilityNotify",
    16: "CreateNotify",
    17: "DestroyNotify",
    18: "UnmapNotify",
    19: "MapNotify",
    20: "MapRequest",
    21: "ReparentNotify",
    22: "ConfigureNotify",
    23: "ConfigureRequest",
    24: "GravityNotify",
    25: "ResizeRequest",
    26: "CirculateNotify",
    27: "CirculateRequest",
    28: "PropertyNotify",
    29: "SelectionClear",
    30: "SelectionRequest",
    31: "SelectionNotify",
    32: "ColormapNotify",
    33: "ClientMessage",
    34: "MappingNotify"

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