determining type

sp00fD sp00fD at
Wed Mar 22 11:53:51 EST 2000

I'm writing a program in which I've got a couple of dictionaries that
I'd like to output to a file, but I'd like it to be "pretty". I'm
trying to write a function to format the dictionary so that when I
print it, rather than looking like {'foo' : 'bar', 'who' : 'what'}, it
looks like
'foo' : 'bar',
'who' : 'what',
The way that I'm trying to do this is to create a string and loop
through the dict.keys(), appending to the string. The problem is that
if it's not a string, but an integer (the key or value) I don't want it
quoted obviously (I'm adding the quotes manually \"%s\").
How do I determine if it's a string or int. I've tried:
if type(key) == "<type \'string\'>":
but that doesn't seem to work. How do I do this?

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