Microthreads is now available

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Wed Mar 29 07:44:56 EST 2000

Robin Becker wrote:
> In article <Fs5ryo.E87 at world.std.com>, Will Ware <wware at world.std.com>
> writes
> I installed the binary package last night and was surprised that so
> little comes with the package. No documentation & no examples is bad for
> user acceptance. Should I download the source to get further
> information?

No. The sources are hard to understand, and they describe
the implementation, not the usage. There are no examples
at the moment, since they all need a rewrite.
A collection of useful stuff is in preparation.

There is a principal problem with this stuff: It makes no sense
to explain in depth how and why continuations work, since this
is nothing for more than just a few interested people.
Most users would only use applications, like generators,
coroutines, and microthreads. That means, I don't have to
supply documentaiton of the inner nuts and bolts, but I
have to provide complete, tested applications like the above.

I think the Microthreads have good documentation and
give enough motivation to make use of SLP. I could not
delay the release any longer, since MThreads are ready
since 3 weeks, and they rely completely on SLP now.
I could have included the uthreads package into the
distribution, but this is Will Ware's kid which I cannot
simply stick into my dist, unless he tells me to do so.

The continuation module has quite complete
documentation via docstrings, now.

Sam Rushing is working on a new design of coroutines.
I didn't want to provide the old code examples any longer.
Code examples will appear on the website as they evolve,
and some will go into the binary release's demo section.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at appliedbiometrics.com>
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