Speeding up table generation

William Park parkw at better.net
Thu Mar 9 13:07:38 EST 2000

Try putting your strings into a list, then at the end concatenate the
items.  Eg.
    a = ['<table>']
    print string.join(a)


On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 09:37:08AM -0800, Lenny Self wrote:
> Hello.  I am rather new to Python and programming in general.  I have
> created th following function in order to display the contents of a query
> from a MySQL database in an HTML form.  With the number of records I am
> working with the table building portion of this function takes quite some
> time ( 7 - 10 seconds).  7 to 10 seconds isn't all that bad but it's
> possible the database will grow quite a bit and displaying all of the
> records could take quite a while.  Does anyone have any suggestion for me
> that might help speed this function up?
> I'd really appriciate some help
> Lenny Self
> lenny at squiggie.com
> ### Code Below ###
> import os
> import sys
> import MySQL
> # Connecting to database server
> try:
>     dbhandle = MySQL.connect('dbserver,'login','passwd')
>     try:
>             # selecting database
>             dbhandle.selectdb('database')
>     except:
>             print 'Could not find database'
>             sys.exit()
> except:
>     print 'Could not connect to server'
>     sys.exit()
> # Querying database for column names
> account_columns = dbhandle.do('show columns from table)
> # Querying database for body of table
> accounts = dbhandle.do('select * from table)
> # Creating table
> table = '<table><TR>'
> a = 0
> # Creating column names in table
> while a < len(account_columns):
>     table = table + '<TD>' + account_columns[a][0] + '</TD>'
>     a = a + 1
> b = 0
> # Creating body of table by going though each record of the query
> while b < len(accounts):
>     table = table + '</TR><TR>'
>     c = 0
>     # Going each cell of each record to add to table
>     while c < len(accounts[b]):
>         table = table + '<TD>' + `accounts[b][c]` + '</TD>'
>         c = c + 1
>     b = b + 1
> table = table + '</TABLE>'
> print table
> -- 
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