Tkinter apps running in idle under Win98

Werner Arnhold warnhold at
Thu Mar 16 04:41:36 EST 2000


I'm telling teachers how to teach computer science in school. They have
to learn a programming language and I choose Python. Because most of
them using Win98 we work with IDLE 0.5.

When we start Programs using Tkinter from IDLE with F5-key that open

	root = Tk()

and close with


the prompt in the main interpreter window never returns and there is no
regular way to close the IDLE-application. Other apps sometimes start
with an empty window or with the regular and an empty window.

Any hint what to do?



Werner Arnhold
FU Berlin, FB 12, GEDIB
Arbeitsbereich Lehrerfortbildung und Informatische Bildung
Tel.: 030 / 838-56328, priv: 030 / 74 22 555

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