itoa -- oops.

Alex alex at
Mon Mar 13 19:36:41 EST 2000

> I'm not aware of one, but it's easy to roll your own...

That wasn't really safe.  You could get into infinite loops with
non-integer or negative inputs.  This version should cope with that:

import string, types

def itoa (n, base = 2):
    if type (n) != types.IntType:
        raise TypeError, 'First arg should be an integer'
    if (type (base) != types.IntType) or (base <= 1):
        raise TypeError, 'Second arg should be an integer greater than 1'
    output = []
    pos_n = abs (n)
    while pos_n:
        lowest_digit = pos_n % base
        output.append (str (lowest_digit))
        pos_n = (pos_n - lowest_digit) / base
    output.reverse ()
    if n < 0:
        output.insert (0, '-')
    return string.join (output, '')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert itoa (16) == '10000'
    assert itoa (17) == '10001'
    assert itoa (-17) == '-' + itoa (17)


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