Where to install C extensions?

Cesar Lopez clopez at abo.fi
Fri Mar 24 10:33:43 EST 2000

In Extending and Ebedding Python manual it is explained how to do that:

You do not need to put your extension in a special directory, but it is
better if you put it in the modules installation directory.


Paul Hughett wrote:

> I have been developing a C extension for Python (to do medical image
> processing) and am currently working on the installation scripts.
> This brings up a question:  Is there a standard place to put the
> shared library that implements the extension?  Where is it?
> Thanks.
> Paul Hughett
> ============================================================
> Paul Hughett, Ph.D.              Research Associate and
> Neuropsychiatry Section          Computer Systems Manager
> 10th floor Gates Building
> Hospital of the University       (215) 662-2826 (voice)
>     of Pennsylvania              (215) 662-7903 (fax)
> 3400 Spruce Street
> Philadelphia PA 19104            hughett at mail.med.upenn.edu
>         A rose by any other name confuses the issue.
>                                   -Patrick E. Raume
> ============================================================

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