Sending email from Win95 Outlook

Anders M Eriksson anders.eriksson at
Thu Mar 9 11:29:18 EST 2000

On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 13:31:57 GMT, kapu at wrote:

>I'd like to be able to send emails from a Python script
>on my laptop. The laptop is running Win95 and the email
>application I'm using is Microsoft Outlook.
>Any hints/scripts would be much appreciated.

Depending on what you really want to do... 

If you want to send the mail via Outlook you should look up MAPI and
the PythonWin 'examples'. In the book 'Python Programming on Win32' By
Mark Hammond & Andy Robinson (which I soon will buy) you will find
more info about this.

If you just want to send mail, then Python has a module called smtplib
which you can use to send mail.

// Anders

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