XML DTD for Python source?

rodisi01 at my-deja.com rodisi01 at my-deja.com
Thu Mar 2 19:02:51 EST 2000

In article <nvwv4.28848$Jz3.173949 at nnrp1.uunet.ca>,
  "Greg Wilson" <gvwilson at nevex.com> wrote:
> > > Greg Wilson <gvwilson at nevex.com> wrote:
> > > Has anyone defined an XML DTD for storing Python source code?  If
> > > so, I'd be grateful for a copy or pointer.  If not, I'd like to
> > > from anyone who'd be interested...
> > "Neel Krishnaswami" <neelk at brick.cswv.com> wrote
> > Can I ask what the purpose of this utility would be?
> Most of the data I deal with these days is either in XML, or headed
> way.
> The two big exceptions are legacy configuration files (like .ini's,
> and makefiles),
> and program source. I'm interested in exploring what would happen if I
> do with
> programs what I do with hypertext:
> - apply a DTD to switch between Scheme-style parenthesizing,
>   indentation, or C-style bracing
> - embed arbitrary information (images, optimization hints for the
> etc.) in
>   a way that third-party browsers and processors can handle
> (specially-formatted
>   comments are *not* the answer)


Something about this makes me think you want to look at "literate
programming" links. Here's one I found in my recent first foray into
this realm:


also see:

newsgroup: comp.programming.literate

Further exploration in this realm led me to a python literate
programming utility called "interscript":


(The home page for this program has disappeared, apparently due to lack
of funds on the part of its author :(  )

Though I can't find it now, I remember some part of a readme/doc/posting
saying something specifically about being able to mix in all sorts of
things: code, pictures (e.g., flow charts), comments, links, etc. and
then be able to separate them as needed.

It is huge and I haven't had the time to do the necessary tweaks to get
it to run on win95 (I think it comes set up to work on Unix (varieties?)
and winNT), but I look forward to using it *some*day. ;)

Ah, here is a readme:


This is a search for the word "interscript" in dejanews:


See comments on how it is/can be used.

Good luck.


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