Apple, Unix and Windows

Louis M. Pecora pecora at
Mon Mar 27 09:49:17 EST 2000

In article <sduoheuplul56 at>, Ivan Frohne
<frohne at> wrote:

> "Using an Apple is like keeping Kosher: the believers 
> would not live any other way, but they cannot eat with
> members of other religions.  Using Unix is like preparing
> your own meals from recipes in the 'Joy of Cooking': the
> effort involved initially exceeds the palatability of the 
> results, but experience eventually brings satisfaction.
> Using Microsoft Windows is like eating at a MacDonald's:
> you can find one anywhere, and the food will keep you
> going, but it would be sad if there were no other restaurant
> in town."
> [Harold Boas, The American Mathematical Monthly, v. 107,
> No. 3 (March 2000)]

Nice quote.  What we're all really looking for is just a good,
home-cooked meal.

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