Bug in module time: localization?

hartmut Goebel hartmut at oberon.noris.de
Sun Mar 26 13:28:56 EST 2000


python 1.5.2 seams to ignore locale setting when generating names of month of
weekday. Below find a test skript which always print english names ("Monday
March") instead of german ones ("Montag März").

The shell command 'date "+%A %B"' returns the expected result: localized.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?

[hartmut at lenashee hsc]$ python /tmp/testlang.py
ENV       :     /home/hartmut/.bashrc
LC_ALL    :     de_DE
LC_TYPE   :     ISO-8859-1
LANG      :     de
LINGUAS   :     de
Monday March
LANG      :     de_DE           Monday March
LINUAS    :     de_DE           Monday March
LC_ALL    :     de_DE           Monday March
LC_DATE   :     de_DE           Monday March
LC_MESSAGE:     de_DE           Monday March
[hartmut at lenashee hsc]$ python
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Nov  7 1999, 00:47:55)  [GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on linux-i386
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam


import os, time

interestingEnv = ('ENV', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_TYPE', 'LANG', 'LINGUAS', 'LC_MESSAGE')
oldEnv = {}
testTime = (2000, 03, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

def printEnv(env = interestingEnv):
    for i in env:
        print "%-10s:\t%s" % (i, os.environ[i])

def testDate(env, value):
    os.environ[env] = value
    print "%-10s:\t%s\t\t" % (env, os.environ[env]),
    print time.strftime("%A %B", testTime)

print time.strftime("%A %B", testTime)
testDate('LANG', 'de_DE')
testDate('LINUAS', 'de_DE')
testDate('LC_ALL', 'de_DE')
testDate('LC_DATE', 'de_DE')
testDate('LC_MESSAGE', 'de_DE')


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