Need Help Re:PATH

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Fri Mar 17 14:11:24 EST 2000

Snoopy :-)):
 |PATH & PYTHONPATH.  I just don't know what am I doing wrong.
 |For the purpuse of Practice In my home directory I created a directory
 |called"Pydir" where I wan to keep the "Module & Script " Files.  I want
 |to use the "Bash-Shell".  So In my (Home) "bash_profile " I did the
 |following configuration:

I believe you need to put an "export" before your declarations for bash.
Also, when you say "bash_profile", the user file for this is $HOME/.bashrc

Try this:

    cd $HOME
    echo $PYTHONPATH                        <-- Make sure /home/charly/Pydir 
                                                shows up here
    export PYTHONPATH=/home/charly/Pydir    <-- If not, just do this
    >>> import mymodule

Randall Hopper
aa8vb at

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