Hmm.. Whatever would be the Python equivalent to this? *ponders*

Jp Calderone exarkun at
Fri Mar 24 17:33:42 EST 2000

Falknor wrote:
> Allo peoples,
> Whatever would be the Python equivalent to the code below? 
> Converting an old C program to Python..  I know how to do 
> it all other than what to do about the fd_set's and the 
> various FD_* macro's....  Any help would be appreciated :)
> JD
> [snip C code]

Roughly analagous:

	import select

	in_set = getInputSocketsArray()   # May be the
	out_set = getOutputSocketArray()  # same arrays
	exc_set = getExceptionSocketArray() #ie, all your
					  # characters in game
	control = getControlSocket()     # the socket you listen on
					 # should also be in in_set

	# 0.1 is number of seconds to block
	ins, outs, excs =, out_set, exc_set, 0.1)

	if control in ins:
		# handle new connection

	for char in excs:
		# disconnect character

	for char in ins:
		# handle character input


No, `Eureka' is Greek for `This bath is too hot.'
                -- Dr. Who
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