Experiences about Signal Processing with Numerical Python

Charles Boncelet boncelet at udel.edu
Tue Mar 14 20:41:02 EST 2000

Johannes Nix wrote:

> Hi,
> I have looked a little bit into Python as an alternative to do
> research about signal processing algorithms

My requirements are different from yours, but I've been using Python,
NumPy, and PIL for various projects for about 6 months or so:

1. Python and its friends make for a very rich environment.  One can
do things easily that can't be done in Matlab alone.  For instance, in
an information security research project I have combined  image processing

with encryption (currently m2crypto).  Or, (one still on the drawing
automatically download data from the web and process it with Numpy, and
post the results on a web page.  Being able to do these things in the
same language/environment is terrific.

2. C loops are much faster than python loops.  If speed is a concern, try
to do as much as possible with native Numpy or PIL routines.
this sometimes means searching through the manuals to find the right
routine.  E.g, on a recent project I needed to find a ordered subset of k
taken without replacement from l possible items.  (Both k and l are on the

order of 1 million.)  I wrote the following:

    import random
    def permute(l,k=None):
        """return a permutation of k objects taken from l.  If k=None,
        all objects in l are used. l is altered in the process."""
        if k == None:
            k = len(l)
        elif k > len(l):
            raise ArgumentError, "k must be not be greater than len(l)"

        n = len(l)-1
        nfirst = len(l)-k
        while n >= nfirst:
            j = random.randint(0,n)
            l[n], l[j] = l[j],l[n]
            n = n-1
        return l[-k:]

It works fine, but is too slow.  After searching through the manuals, I
found that
the following call was available (slightly less general than above, but
for my needs):

    import RandomArray

Even though this version loops over len(l) > k internally, it is much

3. Sometimes to get speed you have to encode your algorithm in C and
it into Python.  I have not done this yet, but others say it is (usually)

4. Numpy and friends are still being built, while Matlab is a mature
product with
thousands (if not millions) of users.  This means that you still have to
build some
of your own Python based tools.  That's good if you are a tool builder,
bad if you
are a tool user. Of course, python is free and Matlab is not.

5. As for plots, I use gist for interactive things and gnuplot for

    Charlie Boncelet

Charles Boncelet, University of Delaware,
On sabbatical at ADFA, Canberra Australia,
Home Page: http://www.ece.udel.edu/~boncelet/

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