Java vs Python

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Sun May 28 17:48:42 EDT 2000

faatdilac at wrote:
> It's a thankless & shameless attitude to say that C is not generally
> useful while C has been feeding generations of software professionals.

Have you actually observed this thankless and shameless attitude towards
C in this thread? Some people have said they didn't think C was the ideal
language for everything, basically, and that's just plain true. C's
fine for what it does, but C is not always the right answer.

Would it be a thankless and shameless attitude to say that MSDOS is not
generally useful while MSDOS has been feeding generations of software
professionals? :) Not that I'm comparing C with MSDOS here, it's just that
this argument by itself doesn't make much sense.

> The name Dennis M. Ritchie shines as long as Perl, Tcl/Tk, Python exist.
> Show me a commercially successful language compiler developed in any of
> the scripting languages. Show me an OS developed in any of the
> scripting languages.

So C is good for what it does; it's a systems programming language. You
use it when you want to have some portability but still low-level
access and speed. An interpreted language is generally not the ideal
solution for these tasks.

Anyway, you sound as if C's under attack here. I don't think it is. It's just
people discussing its relative merits.


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