really silly nit: why 3+5j instead of 3+5i?

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Sun May 14 00:41:01 EDT 2000

andres at wrote:
>Physicists also use "i" and "I" for current and yet still use "i" for
>imaginary numbers also. The use of "j" is unfortunate given that most
>of the scientific/mathematical world uses "i".

Just scanned through one of my E&M books.  Can't find "i" used for
current.  Found "I", and dQ/dt.  Also found J used for volumn current
density.  Lower case "i" is used for imaginary numbers and i^ (that's
i-with-caret) for unit vector along the x axis.

Can't ever recall using "i" for current.

                    dalke at

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