Out parameters to COM objects

Glenn Farrow ghf at mailandnews.com
Thu May 25 23:21:51 EDT 2000

No problem instantiating COM objects and calling their methods in Python,
works great.  But how do I call a function that requires a an OUT
parameter as opposed to returning a value. 


>>> import win32com.client

>>> ns =
>>> win32com.client.Dispatch('Netscape.Network.1')

>>> print ns
<COMObject Netscape.Network.1>

>>> bVal = ns.Open('www.cnn.com', 0, '',
<0, '')

>>> print bVal


Now I want to call "ns.Read(BSTR* pBuffer, short iAmount)", where this
method is expecting a BSTR pointing to a pre-allocated buffer of size
'iAmount'.  How do I do this? 

>>> sBuf = ''

>>> iRead = ns.Read(sBuf, 4096)

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?

  File "<COMObject
  Netscape.Network.1>", line 2, in Read

com_error: (-2147352571, 'Type
  mismatch.', None, 1) 

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