Open Mind

info at info at
Fri May 26 11:15:47 EDT 2000

I have discovered your webside on the Internet and find it
really interesting.I do believe that you or your clients may
benefit from the information we are offering. 

There are a lot of people trying to get rich quick, without 
any interest in another human being whatsoever. Well, I 
doubt that they will succeed. There is a law in success like 
there is a law in physics.

You may not believe in gravity or not know about it, but it still works.

The Law of Success says: 
If you help enough people to get what they want, 
You will get what You want.

Therefore, if you think, that you may gain and discover a benefit
for yourself, click on:

or you can have a look at our Newsletter to find out if you can
benefit from it:

Don't hesitate to forward a copy of this newsletter to friends
and associates, but please ask for permission before reproducing
the content in any form -- we would like to know who you are.

Pavel Kyral

Animation Allsorts - Open Mind
105/3 Bruce Street, Crows Nest, NSW, 2065, Australia 
Phone: 612 9955 7990 | Fax: 612 9955 0076 
Copyright © 1990-2000 All Rights Reserved

If you think, that you will not benefit from this corespondence, send

an email to:

remove at	Subject:Remove gravity

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