Good ideas :-), no time :-(

Bernhard Reiter breiter at usf.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE
Wed May 24 07:51:02 EDT 2000

In article <oqwvkkp5q6.fsf at>,
	François Pinard <pinard at> writes:

> Yesterday, I had to read long shell scripts and complex Makefiles.
> Python is really corrupting me, because more I work with Python, more I
> consider that complex shell code is hard to read.

True. At least the bash. es or rc are probably a little better.

> So, I came with this "simple" idea, that we should have tools for converting
> Makefiles and shell scripts into specialised Python scripts.  (And why not
> `sed' and `awk' as well, once on that road, the same as Perl once did.)

At least for the awk and sed commands the idea is not new.
I documented it once on my advogato diary entry....


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