Case sensitivity (Was: Re: NumPy and FFT)

Courageous jkraska1 at
Tue May 23 22:53:05 EDT 2000

> If we're robbed of the ability to use case for semantic
> distinctions, we're going to have to adopt some other
> conventions to make those distinctions. Then there's
> room for different people and different modules to use
> different conventions, and at least as much scope for
> confusion -- probably more.

Um, if Guido "robs" us of case sensitivity, there exists
a far higher than zero probability that someone will grab
his source, take out all the silly *caugh* tolower()s, and
release it as the *real* python 3k.

Okay, now that everyone knows that I'm a tad drunk and not
afraid to say what I really think, uh.... heheheh.

Do ya forgive me?


pinot-noir-is-really-yummy-but-makes-you-make-an-ass-out-of-yerself ly y'rs

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