Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Roy Smith roy at
Sun May 21 18:39:02 EDT 2000

Ian Parker <parker at> wrote:
> I'd assumed the path to be case-sensitive only because it is running on
> a case-sensitive OS, such as UNIX.  On Windows NT and VMS the case
> doesn't appear to matter.

The fact that the case sensitivity of URLs depends on the underlying 
file system is actually a bit of a pain.  I often see people develop web 
sites on Macs or PC's and then upload them to our Unix web server.  All 
the case-mis-matched links that worked just fine on the Mac/PC are now 

I prefer case sensitive, can live with case insensitive, but "maybe, 
depending on context" is terrible.

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