Newbie questions - FAQ and tuples.

Fredrik Lundh effbot at
Thu May 11 09:37:15 EDT 2000

Simon Brunning <sbrunning at> wrote:
> Firstly, is there a FAQ/charter for this newsgroup?

also see:

> Secondly, I'm working through the tutorial, and I'm a bit confused
> about this tuples business. I *think* that I understand how they
> work, but what are they *for*?

simple, often heterogeneous collections of data values.  usually
used where you would use a C struct or a Pascal record, and
where a class would be to heavyweight.

most often used for things like multiple return values, dictionary
keys, coordinate pairs, etc.  and everywhere else it makes sense
to use a tuple instead of some other container type...


    "tuple : set of (so many) elements -- usually used of
    sets with ordered elements <the ordered 2-tuple (a, b)>"
    -- merriam webster

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