Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Andrew M. Kuchling akuchlin at
Tue May 23 13:14:13 EDT 2000

bwinton at (Blake Winton) writes:
> Speaking as someone who had to use Modula-3, Ugh!
> (Modula 3's largest mis-feature, for me at least, was that all keywords
>  had to be typed in ALL-UPPERCASE.  My little finger got really sore
>  after four months of programming.  :P)

I always liked that feature.  Since I usually programmed on a plain
console (still do), there weren't many options for syntax
highlighting.  Writing all the keywords in uppercase made program
structure, as opposed to lowercase variable names, leap out at you.
Syntax colouring without colour, in a way.


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