Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Courageous jkraska1 at
Fri May 26 03:34:07 EDT 2000

> > >
> > >It should be educational.
> >
> > I think you mean "POST" instead of "CUM".
> No.

Being in a more talkative mood now, I should like to point out that
there is a very small difference between concluding that because
something happened AFTER an event then the event must be the causal
factor and concluding that because something happened DURING an event
then the event must be the causal factor. Really, though, these
two latin terms from fallacy-speak really aren't very distinguishible,
so it's not particularly "more" proper to use one term in lieu of
the other unless you really care about splitting hairs. :)-


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