Creating binary files

Travis Oliphant olipt at
Wed May 24 10:10:31 EDT 2000

> Hello!
> I'm feeling more than a bit stupid for asking this but I'm stumped.
> How do I create a binary file and write to it?
> I need to create an binary file to store a large number of integers in
> The file HAS to be binary since it's going to be read by an another
> program which isn't in Python.
> I know how to open a binary file
> bfile = open("bfile","wb")
> but how do I write an integer into the file?
> n = 1066
> b.write(n)	# this will not work!
> b.write(repr(n))	# will not write binary
> // Anders

The idea is to write a string to the file where the string is just a
collection of bytes representing the data.  There are lot's of ways to
proceed here.

(1) Use the struct module to create a string with the machine
representation of the integer in question and write that out:

import struct
n = 1066

(2) Use the *default* array module to store the numbers and then use it's
tofile() method or its tostring() method

import array 
numbers = array.array('i',[1066,1035,1032,1023])

## OR


(3) Use Numerical Python's array module to store the numbers and then
use the tostring() method of the NumPy array.

import Numeric
numbers = Numeric.array([1,2,3,4,5,6],'i')

(4) Use Numerical Python and which is part of signaltools
(  This will let you write a binary file
directly from a NumPy array (without the intervening copy-to-string which
can save a lot of memory if you have *a lot* of numbers).

import mIO, Numeric

bfile = mIO.fopen('somefile','w')
numbers = Numeric.array([1,2,3,4,5,6],'i')

# You could also say for example
# bfile.fwrite(numbers,'float')  to write them as floats

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