
Remco Gerlich scarblac-spamtrap at pino.selwerd.nl
Wed May 17 18:30:00 EDT 2000

Michael Hudson wrote in comp.lang.python:
> for i in map(lambda x:x/10,range(1000)):
>     print i
> ?  This is probably the best solution wrt roundoff; beware of
> repeatedly adding 0.1 to floats...

Divide by 10.0 then, to force the values to become floats...
Remco Gerlich,  scarblac at pino.selwerd.nl
  Murphy's Rules, "Butterfingers!":
   In Hero Games' Champions, the probability of an average person being
   able to grab something off the table (such as a soft-drink bottle) is
   25 per cent.

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